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Asia tour! - music from FINAL FANTASY

FF 終於要來台灣巡迴了 ~~~~~

Asia tour!
Thursday, 04. December 2008, 12:05

We are excited to perform Nobuo Uematsu's music of Distant Worlds: music from FINAL FANTASY on tour in Asia in 2009! In May, we will travel to Taipei and Singapore for two concerts in each city. Distant Worlds will make its Asian premiere in Taiwan at the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall, and in Singapore we are proud to be part of the Singapore Arts festival for two concerts on the 22nd and 23rd at 7:30pm in the Esplanade Theatres on the Bay. Tickets will be on sale in March 2009.

新聞來源: Distant Worlds: music from FINAL FANTASY


  1. Distant World: music from FINAL FANTASY (20071204, 瑞典)
  2. VOICES music from FINAL FANTASY (20060218, 日本橫濱)
  3. More Friends music from FINAL FANTASY ~Final Fantasy Orchestra Concert in Los Angeles 2005~
  4. Nobuo Uematsu - Tour De Japon Concert (2004, Japan)
  5. Final Fantasy Orchestra Concert (20020220, 東京)

  1. 走出日本《Final Fantasy》交響音樂會 可望明年五月來台演出 (巴哈姆特)

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